Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oscar Review

The Oscars Need Fun
by junior Matt Noble and sophomore Jason Kelly

For the past month, talk of the Oscars has laden the airwaves. Drones of national news syndicates repeatedly provide us with the “newest” developments regarding the Academy Awards. However, apathy sets in following weeks of speculation, rumors, and predictions.

If the NFL waited a month between conference championships and the Superbowl, the buildup of the season would lose momentum, and indifference would set in. The point being, when a single event is hyped and dragged out for nearly 8 weeks, it loses some of its anticipation.

Additionally, the Academy fails year after year to produce an entertaining event. Three hours of ads, bowties, and bad jokes leaves an audience wanting… something… anything.

Dear Academy, cut the time between nominations and awards to two weeks, the ceremony to an hour, and keep the dialogue less stuttered than The King’s Speech.

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